Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well, it snowed yesterday, again. Between the big snow in December and this, I have had more than enough this winter. But this was Brady's first snow, so of course I had to get at least one picture......

Yesterday Brady and I didn't get out of our pjs! He played on his play mat (or whatever you want to call it) for the first time. He really liked it!

Friday, January 29, 2010


I am sure there are some that think I take WAY too many pictures! Now it's even worse! With having Brady, I just want to take pictures ALL the time!! He is just so darn cute!! But I guess I am a little partial! Here are a few I just took!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

One Month old!

New to this blog stuff

Thanks to Jennie and her sending me an email about her Landon's Love blog and pink and green polka dots, I have decided to start one, mostly to share pictures and news about Brady. Brady turned 5 weeks today!! Hard to believe! He is growing like a weed and doing more and more every day. He had his 1 month check up earlier this week and weighed in at 9 lbs 4 ozs and was 21 1/4" long. Right around the 50th percentile for both.

Bare with me as I figure this blogging stuff out! Hope you enjoy following!