Thursday, February 25, 2010

2 months old

I cannot believe Brady is 2 months old! I mean really, where did that 2 months go? He is such a good baby! He smiles and laughs all the time. He loves to "talk" to his mommy and daddy. Of course we love it!!

He had his 2 month check up today. He weighed in at 11 lbs 6 ozs and was 23 1/4 " long. Poor little guy got 2 shots-one in each leg and one vaccine by mouth. He did very well!

Unfortunately, I go back to work on Monday. Grandma will be keeping the little man. And of course she is excited about that. I am happy that I don't have to put him in a day care. I am very thankful mom was able to retire and can keep him! Thanks mom!! Love you!

Yesterday we took a day trip up to see Aunt Geri and Uncle Pete. They were so excited to see him. Vivian, Braysen & Trevyn went with Brady, Mom and I.

Uncle Pete had to work, so we took a trip to the appliance store where he works to see him. Braysen & Trevyn loved playing in the refrigerators!! It was a nice visit!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

more on our trip to Kims....

While we were at Kim's last weekend, Brady celebrated his First Valentine's Day!! Here are some pictures.....

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Trip to Kims

Mom, Brady & I went to Kims Thursday afternoon and came back Tuesday. Dad & BJ came Friday night after BJ got off and came home Sunday. Mom & I took Brooke & Brady to Build a Bear on Friday while Kim got some work done. It was so much fun!! I want one for myself now! LOL !!

We did some shopping of course! Brady was so good! He is a great traveler. Brooke was so excited to see him. She made up a song for him and sung it to him all weekend! Have you ever heard a 2 1/2 year old say the Pledge of Allegiance?? Well she can!! She is quite the smarty pants!! Brady turned 7 weeks Thursday! Wow - time flies!
7 weeks old!!
More later!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Brady is ready for the Super Bowl

NO more snow PLEASE!!!!

So Friday BJ got home at abour 1pm from work (yep - he had to go in). He was in and out trying to keep up with the shoveling. He came in and said a tree fell across the road (mentioned that in the last post). Well, he was affraid we would get stuck here with no power so he said we were heading to mom and dads. I told him to drive down our road to make sure no other trees were down. On his way out, 2 trees fell across the road right in front of him. Luckily he saw them leaning and stopped for a second, and then they fell. So he came back and he and 2 neighbors went and cut them up out of the road. In the meantime I packed our stuff. Oh also - the power had gone out, but it came back on. We were pretty sure if was going to go out again. So we left around 5pm. 250 was not too bad at that point, but only to get worse before it got better and the power did go out again, so I am glad we did go to mom and dads. Here are some pictures from our journey to town.
trees down on our road, just up from the house
No kidding!!! Is that what all this white stuff is??

250 & High St......not too bad......yet.

Slipping and sliding up the hill to moms.
So we camped out at mom and dads until today, Sunday. Roads were in pretty good shape on the way home. Thanks to Mike & Brandon for clearing our driveway before we got home, we were able to get up the driveway!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

MORE Snow......

Bailey venturing out in the snow. Tucker wouldn't even go off the porch. He is also know as "Twinkle Toes!"

Bailey's footprints

Looking out the side of the front porch. It's just getting going here. We will see how much we get this time.......

 has started snowing AGAIN. And is supposed to continue until tomorrow NIGHT. AHHHHH! What is up with all of this snow this winter?? More than ever in my lifetime. So here are a few pictures of the exciting events in our household today during the snow......

Everyone decided it was a good day for napping and Brady is on his way to napping again. He is hanging out right now in his swing (thank you Leeann!) - Dana & Page were so kind to let us use Leeanns swing from when she was a baby. He loves it!!

Brady turned 6 weeks yesterday. I can't believe how the days have flown by! He is such a good baby. I don't know how we got so lucky!

I am not sure what he's looking at here, but it must have been funny!
As I sit here and type this, BJ just came in from shoveling a little and said a tree fell just down the road, across the road. One fell there in the big snow in December too. He and the guy across from us cut it up last time. BJ was so affraid I was going to go in labor and he wasn't going to be able to get out! But luckily I didn't.
We hope that everyone is safe at home staying warm!