Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Has it really been since August that I last did this? Wow....time sure does fly. Well lots has happened since then, so instead of recapping we will just move forward! Too much to talk about to go back that far.
Brady is almost 14 months now. He is running around all over the place. He only has 8 teeth. It seems like he's just 8 for several months now. I guess they will come in when they are ready. He is not so good with drinking milk or taking naps. He loves to play, read and chase the dogs around. He is all boy, for sure. He loves to be outside, even if he's just walking around. He is ready for Spring just as much as me!
I will try to be better with the updates, but this one is going to be short.....that's all for now.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Been a while....

Holy cow! Has it really been 2 months since I have done this? I guess it has. Time sure does fly!! Even faster with a little one. I say this EVERY single time - but I sware, where does the time go? Brady is 8 months old now! We have been pretty busy this summer. 4th of July weekend we went to Myrtle Beach to Kim, Tony & Brooke's condo. It was a bit of a long drive for such a short trip, but it was a lot of fun.

Brady seemed to like the beach and or course Brooke was so excited to see him! She loves her Brady! We went to Kailah's graduation from Clemson at the beginning of August. SOOOOO proud of her!!

Another long trip. We actually stopped at Kims on the way thru, since you pass right by there, and stayed for the night. It definitely helped break up the trip. But we didn't get to do that going home, so it was a very long day. Brady did well though.

I am loving working 4 days a week. This week I started having Fridays off. I hope this works out and continues! I started a photography class this week! It's just for 5 weeks, but I hope to get a lot out of it. I would LOVE to do more with photography soon. I have several senior portraits I will be doing. So I am very excited about that!!!

Brady is getting his first tooth!!!

You can somewhat see it here! He LOVES to eat anything!! He is crawling ALL over the place and loves to hold your fingers and walk. I am sure he will be an early walker. I walked at 9 months, I think he might beat that! I don't know if that is good or bad!
Well, thanks for reading.....more later!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

6 months old!

I say this each time, but I cannot believe Brady is 6 months old now! Just to think he will be 1 in 6 more months is crazy! At his 6 month doctors appointment he weighed 17lbs 3 ozs, for a weight gain of 2 lbs 5 ozs in 2 months!! Getting big!! Still right at 50% for weight. Also at 50% for height, he was 26 1/2" long, 2 inches longer than 2 months ago at his 4 month appointment! He got his first haircut on his 6 month birthday. Just the back though, so he still has the baby look, since the front is the same. The mullet just had to go!

He did so good getting his hair cut. He didn't mind it at all!

We had family pictures taken yesterday. Wow, was it hot, but a lot of fun! We took them at Pleasant Grove in Fluvanna. Never been there before, beautiful area and great place to take pictures. Here is the sneak peak....
I cannot wait to see the rest of them!! Brady was a champ, as always!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

5 months old

Of course yet again, more than a month has gone by and I have not blogged as I intended. So for those of you who check back periodically to see what we are doing, sorry there has been nothing new! Time seems to fly by faster and faster every day. Brady is about 5 1/2 months old now. He is doing so much more now that just a month ago. He loves to roll all over the place and his newest thing is standing while holding on to your fingers and jumping! We have done lots of things since my last post. Brady went to his first wedding, went swimming for the first time (which he loved), got a swing built next to the pond, the list goes on.......
-swimming Memorial day!

I'm excited about my new schedule at work. I am starting to work 4 days a week now, to spend more time with little man. I will be off on Thursdays, starting this week!

More later....thanks for reading!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

4 months old

Of course I have not been as good about this blogging as I thought I would be. But here goes again.....

Brady turned 4 months old this past Saturday (today is Thursday). He had his 4 month check up yesterday morning. He weighed 14lbs 14 ozs and measured 24 1/2" long. Still right in the middle. The last 4 months have flown by. He loves to be sitting up in his Bumbo seat or other seats that we have and he loves to "talk." It's amazing how much personality a 4 month old little boy can have!! He's so expressive and just so darn sweet! He had his first cereal from a spoon last night. He of course wanted to hold the spoon himself! But he seemed to like it. Nothing much else exciting in the Johnson house.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Everyone came to our house for Easter. It was wonderful! We hid eggs for the kids (several times), hung out on the new screened porch, ate yummy food and enjoyed the company of family. What more could you ask for?

The Easter bunny brought Brady the Leap Frog Dog "Scout." He loves it! He also got some new passies, a teether, a shirt, books and some money for his savings account.

I saw an ad for the Parents magazine 2010 cover photo contest. So I decided to enter this picture of Brady. Check it out
I also put another picture on. You can put up to 6 pictures in your album. So I need to take some more to add to it. As of right now there are over 5000 pictures in it. So of course it's a slim chance but he's so darn cute, why wouldn't they choose him!! HAHA.....of course I am a little biased!

Monday, March 29, 2010


Ok, so I haven't been very good about updating this blog. Sorry about that! I will try to be better! Brady is 3 months old! Wow! Where did the time go? I am sure I will saying that every month from now on! He doesn't go back to the doctor until he's 4 months old, so I weighed him the other day. He was 13.5 lbs! Getting so big!! He is sleeping thru the night now. Acutally has been for several weeks. He loves his night time bottle with cereal! I am thinking he is teething already. He loves to chew on his fingers and fist! He loves staying with his Grandma (and sometimes Grandad) while mommy is working. Grandma is spoiling him rotten.
This Sunday is Easter. I am excited to have everyone here. Our screened porch is done!!! And it's supposed to be a beautiful weekend. So, hopefully things will dry up and we will be able to be outside! We will be taking Brady to see the Easter Bunny some time this week. We will see how he likes that. Not too much else going on with us. BJ's bday was a couple of weeks ago! Other than that, just he daily grind.....work, home, do it all over again! Cest la vie!

Happy boy - 3 months old